On receipt of a valid planning application the application will go through the following stages:

  1. Application validated or returned invalid
  2. Statutory consultees consulted and non-statutory consultees consulted as considered necessary by planning officer
  3. Publication and Notification – advertisement placed in a local newspaper and/or neighbours notified
  4. Representations of support/objection received
  5. Site inspected
  6. Planning report prepared
  7. Report considered by Development Management group
  8. Opinion formed.
  9. Planning Committee Report prepared for Planning Committee
  10. Schedule of Applications to the Planning Committee published on 3rd Wednesday of the month
  11. Application determined by Planning Committee on 4th Wednesday of the month.
  12. Decision Notice prepared, signed and issued
  13. Those who made representations notified of the decision

At any stage between steps 1 and 8, the applicant/agent or a third party who submitted a representation may request one meeting with either the Senior Planning Officer or the Principal Planning Officer to discuss the proposed development. It is the decision of the applicant/agent/third party to decide who accompanies them at the meeting, for example an elected representative.

Applicants have a duty to provide safe access/egress to sites, including the removal/securing of domestic/farm animals.

You can view a planning decision via:

You can also view the minutes of the Planning Committee on the Council website after they have been agreed by the Committee.