A1 - Application for Consent to Display an Advertisement
DC - Application for Discharge of Condition(s)
EIA - Request for an Environemental Impact Assessment (EIA) Determination
HSC - Application for Hazardous Substance Consent
LB1 - Application for Listed Building Consent
NMC1 - Application for Non-material Change (NMC)
PAN1 - Proposal of Application Notice (PAN)
LDC1 - Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for existing Use or Development
LDC2 - Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed Use or Development
MDA1 - Application to Modify or Discharge a Planning Agreement
P1 - Application for permission to Develop Land
P1C - Application for a Dwelling on a Farm
P2 - Planning Application Certificate under Section 42 of the Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011
P2A - Notice of application for Planning Permission/Listed Building Consent
PAD - Request for Pre Application Discussion (PAD)
PCAC - Application for Conservation Area Consent
PHD - Application for Householder Development
PE - Preliminary Enquiry or GDO Notification
Tree Work Form (TW1)
If you wish to carry out works to a protected tree(s), you must first apply for consent from the Councils Planning Section. Consent can be requested in writing through the completion of a Tree Work form (TW1). A copy of the form along with the associated guidance notes are available to download from the following links:
There is no fee to apply for consent.