The legislative basis for what constitutes a valid planning application is set out in The Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (Northern Ireland) 2015.
Council’s Planning Department implemented a Validation Checklist on 01 September 2024. The new procedures have been developed in discussion with Planning Agents who submit applications in the Borough.
The Validation Checklist will provide support and guidance to applicants about the level and type of information required to be submitted with a planning application. The requirements are intended to be proportionate to the nature and scale of the proposal.
The benefits of validation checklists are generally set out as follows:
• they set out the scope of information required at the outset to ensure a ‘fit for purpose’ submission;
• they enable the planning authority to have all the necessary information to determine the application.
• they minimise the need for further submission of additional information during the life of the application which avoids unnecessary delay in the determination of applications and reduces costs to councils through reduction in re-advertisements and re-neighbour notification.
• they provide applicants with certainty as to the level of information required and the likely overall investment needed prior to the application submission.
• they ensure that the appropriate information is provided with an application to assist interested parties, including consultees, in their consideration of development proposals.
Currently there are basic requirements that are required to be met when submitting planning applications. This is the minimum information that you must submit when making a planning application and is legislated by Section 40 of The Planning Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, with the detailed form and content of a planning application specified in Article 3 of the Planning (General Development Procedure) Order (NI) 2015. Similar provisions exist for proposals for listed building consent. The current legislative requirements are set out below:
• a written description of the development;
• an address or location of the land;
• the name and address of the applicant;
• a plan sufficient to identify the land;
• such other plans and drawings necessary to describe the development;
• a design/access statement, where required;
• a certificate under Article 9 (declaration of ownership); and
• any fee.
The other supporting information is required at validation stage to front load and fully assess planning applications. The level of supporting information will vary depending on the type of application and the scale, nature and location of the development being proposed.
Full details of the new Validation Checklist is available on the Validation Checklist document
Invalid applications will be returned to the Applicant or agent.
It is important to note that for planning applications for the major categories of development, a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) 2015 must be submitted to the Council as least 12 weeks before submitting the planning application.
Planning applications, including plans, drawings, consultation responses, supporting information, and letters of representation will be uploaded onto the Planning Portal and available for public view via the Public Register
A weekly list of applications received will also be available to view and download from the Council website.
Therefore, elected members and members of the public will be able to see your personal information, such as your name and address. We can, if you specifically ask at the start of your letter, cover your signature, email address and phone number. However, your name and address have to be displayed.