
In accordance with Regulation 10 of the Planning (Local Development Plan Regulations) (Northern Ireland) 2015, the Council hereby commences consultation on the Preferred Options Paper for its Local Development Plan 2030.

The POP is the first of three public consultation documents to be published during the Plan preparation, the first Plan to be prepared under new planning powers transferred to the Council in April 2015. The POP is accompanied by the following documents:

The POP outlines the Vision and Strategic Objectives of the Local Development Plan. It identifies what the Council considers to be the main strategic land use planning issues affecting this Borough, and it outlines a range of possible options to address these, including the Council’s “Preferred Options”.

The range of options seeks to stimulate wide-ranging, yet focussed debate, on how we can best deal with the identified key issues moving forward.

Meaningful early engagement in the Plan process is key to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to help shape the Borough. The Council has worked closely with key government departments and stakeholders in the preparation of the POP. The public consultation process will allow residents, visitors, investors and other interested parties, the opportunity to put forward their views on key issues identified in the Borough, and influence the Plan from the outset.

POP Consultation and Summary Documents

All comments received will inform the next stage of Plan preparation: The Draft Plan Strategy.

Report on Representations Received to the Preferred Options Paper (presented to The Planning Committee on 27th February 2019)