New Planning Portal - Updated FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding the new Planning Portal
New Planning Portal - FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding the new Planning Portal
New Planning Portal - Now Live
The new Planning Portal became operational from, Monday 5 December 2022.
The new portal will provide a modern streamlined service making it easier for users to engage with the planning process. Links to the new portal are below:
- Submit an application online
- Search, track or comment on an application
- Report a breach of planning control
- Request a Regional Property Certificate
The ability to submit planning applications online will transform the system by putting online and paperless submissions at the heart of the business model making the planning process more accessible for customers as well as supporting sustainable development across Northern Ireland.
The new portal was funded by the Department for Infrastructure and 10 councils and replaces the existing Northern Ireland Planning Portal (NIPP) which had reached the end of its operational life.
With over 12,000 planning applications submitted each year this is the largest joint IT project between central and local government to date in Northern Ireland.
Anyone wishing to submit a planning application or track or comment on an application will need to create a new user account when using the system for the first time, including those who currently hold a Public access account
Demonstration videos and User Guides:
- Online Submission Demo
- Online Submission User Guide
- Public Register - application search Demo
- Public Register - application search User Guide
The old Public Access website will remain available during December 2022 for information only. It has not been updated since 18th November and will no longer accept online comments or track applications.
Further information can be found on the Department for Infrastructure (DfI) website