Due to high demand, additional 'JAM Card Friendly' training will take place in Ballycastle and Ballymoney next month.
12th February, 1pm-4pm, Sheskburn House, Ballycastle.
13th February, 10am-1pm, Ballymoney Town Hall.
30 places are available altogether and are bookable on a first come, first serve basis.
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is offering free training workshops for businesses who want to provide excellent customer service for all.
By taking part, your business will be recognised as ‘JAM Card Friendly’ - a scheme which allows people with learning difficulties and communication barriers to ask for Just A Minute (JAM) of extra time and patience.
The three hour training workshop, organised by the Town & Village Management team and facilitated by the NOW Group, will cover:
• Identifying what is meant by a disability
• The barriers that people with disabilities may face
• Disability legislation
• Perceptions and attitudes around disability
• Reasonable adjustments
• What is a JAM Card, who uses it and where
• Why the JAM Card was developed
• Benefits of the JAM Card for users
• Benefits of the JAM Card for businesses and organisations
• How to respond when you are presented with a JAM Card
• Communication barriers and effective communication
• Ways of becoming a more disability friendly business/organisation
On completion of the training, you will be provided with JAM Card window stickers to display in your premises along with marketing material to promote yourself as ‘JAM Card Friendly’ on your website and social media channels. Your business will also be given priority appearance on the JAM Card app and you will be tagged as ‘JAM Card Friendly’.
With over 500 businesses already signed up to the scheme across Northern Ireland, this is an opportunity for your organisation and staff to gain valuable knowledge about how to engage with a customer with a disability.
There are two sessions to choose from with 30 free places available altogether:
Wednesday 29th January 2020 from 1pm - 4pm in Roe Park Resort, Limavady.
Thursday 30th January 2020 from 10am – 1pm in Cloonavin, Coleraine.
To secure your place please contact Louise Mullan on 028 777 60311 or email Louise.Mullan@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
For more information on the JAM card initiative please visit www.jamcard.org
To find out about other business support events go to www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/work/business-events