Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has signalled its commitment to improving the lives of older people with the launch of a new Age Friendly Charter.

It’s the latest milestone in Council’s Age-Friendly programme which began last year, and follows on from a Borough-wide survey to gather views and experiences from our older population.

The development means Council is now a member of the World Health Organisation’s age-friendly global network as well as age-friendly networks across the UK and Northern Ireland.

Currently there are over 33,000 people aged over 60 living in Causeway Coast and Glens and this number is set to rise to over 51,000 by 2039.

The new Charter sets out eight visions which collectively will help to ensure that all older people can lead full, active and healthy lives.

Welcoming the creation of the Charter, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Richard Holmes, said: “This initiative is an important part of ensuring the Borough is a place where the older members of our community are valued and where they can enjoy safe and fulfilling lives.

“Older people are at the heart of our communities, and we all share a responsibility to ensure they can continue to participate in all aspects of community life and access the services they need to protect their health, dignity and independence.

“Growing old is a privilege and those in the later years of their lives deserve to feel wanted, engaged and valued. Through our community planning work, we set out how we want to create ‘A Better Future Together’ and the Age Friendly Charter will ensure that older people are central to this.

“It’s hugely encouraging to see our work recognised by the World Health Organisation and I look forward to seeing the programme gather further momentum in the months ahead.”

Through the Age-Friendly initiative, the Borough now has its own dedicated Age-Friendly Co-ordinator funded through the Public Health Agency, while an Age Friendly Alliance and Forum will also be established. These will place older people and their interests at the heart of decision-making to develop an Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan.

If you would like to share any thoughts or suggestions about the Age Friendly Programme you can email or ring 028 777 60306.

To read the Age Friendly Charter or for more information go to