Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s work to create healthy habitats for pollinators is featured in a new all-Ireland celebration of biodiversity projects.

‘Working Together for Biodiversity – Tales from the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020’ brings together inspirational conservation stories carried out by communities, schools, businesses and local authorities.

Don’t Mow Let It Grow was selected from hundreds of submissions for inclusion, and it’s described in the report as an ambitious and highly successful biodiversity and community engagement project. Working in collaboration with Department for Infrastructure, it encourages the growth of native wildflowers which support our precious pollinators like butterflies, moths and bumble bees.

Given the challenges of the past year, many of us have been rediscovering the joys of nature within our outdoor spaces so you may have noticed our renewed focus on wildflower blooms and rich grasslands which are buzzing with life.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Alderman Mark Fielding said: “The inclusion of Council’s efforts as part of the Don’t Mow Let It Grow initiative shows that we are leading the way in protecting and supporting vital biodiversity across Causeway Coast and Glens.

“This ground-breaking way of working continues to go from strength to strength and I am very proud that Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s work is being held up an example of best practice.”

“Partnership-working is central to this success, and my thanks go to everyone involved, including volunteers within our communities who are so passionate about this.”

Rachael Bain, Council’s Biodiversity Officer added: “We should be immensely proud that our shared efforts are included in this new publication. We’re fortunate to have great community support and this shows what can be achieved when we come together to make changes for the better.

“Many of our residents have developed a greater appreciation for our Borough’s native wildlife over the past year which is very encouraging. As we look towards spring, please take a moment to think about our pollinators as they emerge from their winter hibernation.

“They’ll be searching for nectar, and one of the best early sources is the much-maligned dandelion. When you spot one in your garden remember that it’s an important food source for our hard working pollinators, not something to be mowed over or killed off! Through Don’t Mow Let It Grow we fully embrace the dandelion and all of our native wildflowers which are vital to sustaining nature’s pollinators.”

If you’re interested in seeing Don’t Mow Let It Grow in action for yourself why not visit one of our meadows this spring including Riverside Park (Ballymoney), Roemills Playing Fields (Limavady), Ramore Head (Portrush) or Millennium Park (Bushmills). Take a wander through and enjoy the native flowers and buzz of the pollinators (in line with public health advice).

For further information on Don’t Mow Let It Grow go to or for the latest updates follow Don’t Mow Let It Grow on Facebook.

You can access Working Together for Biodiversity – Tales from the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2015-2020 here.