During these uncertain times, the key priority of Council and the Good Relations Team is the health and well-being of our residents, our staff and their families.

We would like to be able to continue to engage with those we connect with and deliver our services as far as is possible during these challenging times.

All of the activities and events organised as part of our Good Relations Programme have been cancelled or postponed until we receive further government guidance particularly on social gatherings.

However we are seeking new innovative ways to deliver our programme in order to keep people connected. Your input into how we can do that is important to us.

We would love to hear your thoughts on ways that you or your service users may be interested in engaging in Good Relations activities so that we can deliver programmes in order to continue to develop and build positive relations within our Borough. We would also like to hear of any Good Relations Programmes that you are providing that we can also considering delivering during these unprecedented times.

Click here to access Council's Good Relations Strategy to find out more about our key themes and priorities

If you have any thoughts or ideas on how you would like us to deliver programmes and activities that you would be interested in engaging in please do get in touch.

Good Relations staff are working remotely and you can contact us via email or telephone as follows:

Patricia Harkin, Good Relations Manager,

Email: patricia.harkin@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Mobile: 07702331430

Bebhinn McKinley, Good Relations Officer

Email: bebhinn.mckinley@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk

Tel: 07714393918

Joy Wisener, Good Relations Officer

Email: joy.wisener@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk