
'Building a United Community Fund' remains open to applications

'Building a United Community Fund' remains open to applications

Mon, September 14, 2020

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's Good Relations team is reminding not-for-profit groups that funding is available for projects that promote positive relationships in communities across the area.

The 'Building a United Community Fund' is administered by the Good Relations' team, and is designed to support and develop respect, understanding and tolerance between people of differing religious beliefs, political opinions and race. 

Eligible groups can apply for the fund at any time throughout the year if they have identified a Good Relations need in their area, and want to develop a project relevant to this.

With groups already adapting creatively to the difficulties posed by Covid-19, there is an understanding that projects may have to be delivered in equally new and creative ways to stay within government social distancing guidelines, while still contributing towards harmonious and united communities.

Grants of up to £1,500 can be awarded if your application is successful, and the fund will remain open until the budget is expended.

Further information and guidelines can be found here 

If you’re planning a Good Relations project, please note that for this financial year all projects must be completed by February 26th 2021 and all financial claims must be submitted by March 5th 2021.

If you have any questions, or wish to discuss a project idea before submitting an application, please contact the Good Relations team by emailing or telephone Patricia on 07702 331430.