
Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month November 2015

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month November 2015

Wed, November 18, 2015

Carbon Monoxide Awareness Month November 2015

DID YOU KNOW November is Carbon Monoxide Awareness month? Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Home Safety Officer David Adams urges all of our residents in the Borough to ensure they are aware of the signs, symptoms and causes of Carbon Monoxide poisoning.

“The signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are not always obvious. Symptoms can be similar to those of many other conditions, such as food poisoning and flu”, stated David Adams.

“The most recognizable are; headache, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, tiredness and confusion, stomach pain, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing.

“Some people in your household may be affected by carbon monoxide poisoning more quickly than others. Those at particular risk include babies and young children, pregnant women and people with heart problems or breathing difficulties.

“It is also worth noting that pets may be the first to show signs of carbon monoxide poisoning because they are also vulnerable to the effects of the gas. If your pet suddenly becomes ill or dies unexpectedly, and death is not related to old age or an existing health condition, you should investigate the possibility of a carbon monoxide leak.

“Carbon monoxide poisoning is an important issue on Council’s Home Safety agenda.  Information leaflets on Carbon Monoxide are available from Council’s Home Safety Department which provide details on recognising the dangers and where to seek support.

“Carbon monoxide alarms are an excellent way to detect high levels of carbon monoxide and take immediate action. These are available for vulnerable families, the elderly and for those who are unable to afford purchasing one for their home. Other preventative measures include having fuel-burning appliances checked regularly by a qualified engineer, making sure chimneys and flues are clean and not blocked and ensuring that all rooms are well ventilated when an appliance is being used”.

For further information, or to find out more about the types of alarms available, please contact Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Home Safety Officers on 028 2766 0277.