£47,500 has been reallocated to the COVID-19 Fund following a review of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership Action Plan prompted by its Chair, Alderman George Duddy.
The news comes after negotiations between the PCSP Chair and members of the PCSP, Department of Justice, Northern Ireland Policing Board and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
Alderman Duddy thanked all involved for their willingness to work together in order to help those in our community who are in real need at this time.
The Chair explained: "This fund has already helped towards reducing fear of crime, a PCSP objective, as it is providing regular contact and support by our fantastic volunteers to some of the most isolated and vulnerable throughout the Borough.
“Many of the groups involved are not just supplying those elderly and in self isolation with the everyday necessities but they also, at this time, are providing a much needed befriending service, which is essential for mental health. These additional funds will add to this vital service.
“This Partnership agreement is a model for others to follow and I would encourage all departments, agencies and bodies to continue working together for the betterment of everyone at this difficult time".
“Many PCSP members are playing an important role in their communities as part of the local response to the pandemic, and I commend all those who are involved in these crucial responses initiatives which are a lifeline to the most vulnerable.”
Distribution of essential items are one aspect of local community response initiatives set up to help the most vulnerable during the pandemic. Many groups are also providing a much needed befriending service and Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP has now diverted £47,500 to the Borough’s COVID-19 Fund to add to these vital services.