Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) in partnership with NSPCC, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Heath and Social Care Trust and the Education Authority have developed a Digital Wellbeing and Safeguarding resource pack to help parents keep their children and themselves safer online.

Digital safety and wellbeing messages along with support services are more important than ever, as people are spending more time online at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Children and families are also accessing apps and sites which they may have never used before which makes them vulnerable to online abuse and scammers.

Speaking about the resource pack, PCSP Chairperson Alderman George Duddy said: “Along with our partners, the PCSP had planned to hold a series of digital safety and wellbeing events at the end March but these were postponed due to the current health crisis. As the pandemic continues we are witnessing the wonderful side of the online world, where grandparents can see and talk to grandchildren whilst in isolation, communities can connect and support one another through volunteering and providing practical help and our children have been able to keep up to date with their education and even take part in PE classes at the same time as their peers.

“However, we also know of the dangers and pitfalls of the online world and we must not forget or be complacent in taking measures to stay safe. This support pack provides practical advice for staying safe online, along with the importance of looking after your mental health and developing resilience skills.

“I appeal to everyone to take some time to read the advice in this pack, use internet privacy settings, never add people you don’t know to your social media network and report any unwanted attention to the police.”

Click here to access the resource pack

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