The work of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) has been recognised at the first ever PCSP Community Safety Awards.

It received an Award for Excellence in Collaboration for its recent ‘Don’t Worry Be #appy’ project which brought together over 1000 young people at a conference about online safety. It was also shortlisted for the 2019 Award for Outstanding Impact in Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour.

The Internet Resilience and Safety conference a first-of-its-kind event, organised in partnership with the NSPCC, Western Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Health and Social Care Trust and the Education Authority. It aimed to educate young people about how to keep safe, well and healthy online whilst also respecting that the digital world is important to them, their lives and future careers.

Former PCSP Chairperson, Councillor Margaret Anne McKillop said: “We are delighted to be recognised for the efforts we have made to deliver important projects and initiatives to help make our community safer. We don’t work alone, and continue to collaborate with other organisations and groups to find innovative ways to share vital messages, educate people on key areas and encourage the community to support policing.

“The Awards also recognised the Causeway Anti-social Behaviour Response Network which is an excellent example of partnership and collaborative working with statutory and voluntary agencies. It ensures that the agencies involved all work in a connected way, reducing duplication and pooling resources to tackle the issue of anti-social behaviour directly.”

The Awards Ceremony, held in Stormont on Wednesday 29th May, shone a light on the range of initiatives delivered by PCSPs within communities. During the event, Causeway Coast & Glens PCSP were also given an opportunity to showcase their innovative Speed Identification Devices (SIDs). Roads Policing have reported that the mobile SID units are seen as best practice, with other agencies now keen to replicate their success.

To find out more about the work of Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP please email