Causeway Coast and Glens Labour Market Partnership (LMP) is delighted to announce its Registered Childminder Training Academy.
The academy, which is now open for applications will help address the lack of affordable, quality childcare provision in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.
Funded by the Department for Communities, Labour Market Partnerships create targeted employment action plans for council areas, allowing for collaboration at a local and regional level to support people towards and into work.
The academy aims to engage with those in the Borough and assisting them to move into employment, through the provision of home-based childcare services. This in turn will provide opportunities for parents wishing to return to work, as a result of having greater access to childcare.
Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, welcomed the academy, stating: “I am delighted that the Council is working in partnership with NICMA who will be delivering this initiative.
“This academy aims to help improve employability outcomes and labour market conditions locally.
“It is an excellent opportunity for anyone not in employment who is thinking of starting or returning to work. The lack of affordable and quality childcare is a common problem for many parents. Action needs to be taken.
“I am very pleased that residents within the Borough can avail of this Academy, and I would like to encourage anyone interested to avail of this limited opportunity.”
An important element of the academy is the provision of continuous one-to-one mentoring support to participants, from initial contact right through to six months after completing the training.
Marc McGerty, Manager of Causeway Coast and Glens Labour Market Partnership added: “The Academy will equip participants with the necessary skills to become a fully registered Childminder or Approved Home Childcarer in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area.
“It will be delivered online until the end of March 2024 and successful participants will be supported throughout their journey to becoming a fully registered Childminder.
“A starter pack of child safety equipment, resources and publications will be provided as well as the first year of NICMA membership which will provide public and legal liability insurance as well as ongoing support post registration.
“Participants on the Academy can also apply for up to £1,000 Seed Funding to help to them purchase any equipment needed to get them started!”
To be eligible for this Academy you must in the Causeway Coast and Glens Council area; be interested in a career in Childcare; meet the requirements to working within this sector; can honour the time commitments required in completing all necessary aspects of the Academy and are 18 years of age or over.
The programme is now open for applications. For more information on eligibility, or to express your interest, please email, call 028 7034 7034, or visit