
Causeway Coast and Glens tourism team tackle sustainability for industry

Causeway Coast and Glens tourism team tackle sustainability for industry

Thu, May 16, 2024

Council’s Destination Tourism Team is highlighting a free LiveSmart environmental initiative for tourism businesses.

The trade clinic will take place on Tuesday 28th May at Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre and business owners will be able to book a 30-minute review session with Council’s Environmental Resource Officer Fiona Watters and Trade Engagement Officer, Clare Quinn.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan welcomed the initiative saying: “Sustainable practice is of paramount importance to all of us, and this support from Council’s tourism team is a fantastic opportunity for local tourism businesses to review their sustainability.”

“With more of us considering the green credentials of companies we buy from, it is increasingly important for business owners to consider this in their business models.

“I’d encourage you to book in for a review with Fiona and Clare who will provide valuable advice on sustainable practice for your tourism business.”

The LiveSmart initiative, Council’s free sustainability programme, offers an opportunity to receive a free audit of your business, which can be discussed during your appointment slot.

The sustainability trade clinic is open to all tourism businesses, interested businesses can book a 30-minute appointment with Fiona Watters and Clare Quinn, Trade Engagement Officer from 10am – 4pm on Tuesday 28 May at the Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, Limavady.

Destination Tourism Manager, Kerrie McGonigle welcomed the opportunity to provide the local tourism industry with vital advice on their sustainability journey:“As we all know, sustainability is becoming a key component of how visitors choose destinations, the quality of the visitor experience and the impact of tourism on the economy, environment and host communities. 

“The draft Tourism strategy for Northern Ireland identifies sustainability as one of its key five strategic themes and we understand it is an increasingly significant factor determining future development in the tourism industry.

“The LiveSmart initiative is an excellent free resource for our tourism businesses and creates an opportunity for businesses to appraise their approach to sustainability, including a free audit of the business premises by the Environmental Resource Officer.”

The LiveSmart initiative aims to encourage, inform and involve all our residents, businesses and visitors to live more lightly on our planet by taking simple steps to protect our environment. 

It comprises of different elements designed to target different areas of our lifestyles and live smarter.  PlasticSmart, StaySmart, and CaféSmart are just a few exampleas work to help us to take small steps within the home or business, which allow us to play our part as an individual in the battle against climate change. 

To book this trade clinic email by Tuesday 21st May with your contact name, the name of your business, type of business and preferred time of day (morning or afternoon).

More information about the LiveSmart initiative is available here

Council’s Environmental Resource Officer Fiona Watters pictured at a Fooodsmart stall at recent cost of living event. Marc and Emily Williamson of Considered Co Zero Waste and Refill Store, Coleraine, receiving their PlasticSmart award. Babs Belshaw, potter, at Blackheath Pottery and Coffee shop promoting H2O On the Go free water bottle refills as part of their PlasticSmart awarded business practices, with Fiona Watters, Environmental Resource Officer