Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's Scheme of Delegation and Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee have been revised and will be implemented from November 7th, 2016.
Key changes include:
1. Increased time for elected members to request the referral of a delegated application to the Planning Committee.
2. A reduction of the number of elected members required to support the referral of an application to Planning Committee
3. A weekly delegated list of applications ready to issue will only include contentious applications; non-contentious delegated applications will no longer be required to be placed on the weekly list and will issue when agreed by appointed officers.
Click here to view the Scheme of Delegation and Protocol for the Operation of the Planning Committee
Copies are available to download from the Planning section of the Council's website or hard copies are available to view at the Planning Office, County Hall, Castlerock Road, Coleraine.