At this time of year, many of us are starting to make our lists for Christmas gifts and shopping for the party season. One of the best opportunities to make those purchases will be at a unique ‘Journey to Market’ event which will be taking place on 3rd December at the Diamond in Coleraine Town Centre. This specialised Christmas Market will be providing everyone with an early opportunity for obtain those special items while supporting these new entrepreneurs as they go forward into industry.

This bespoke event is open to the public, to view what is proving to be a highly successful programme. It is the fifth programme in the series whereby entrepreneurs from the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough will be showcasing their artisan products for public to purchase. Just some of the items available on the day include: specialised food products for cooking and baking; tasty breads; various types of chutneys; meats; and various crafts.

The ‘Journey to Market’ Programme, funded by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council secured its new selection of candidates back in September and is now supporting them to turn their hobbies into businesses. This bespoke Programme is delivered by Lara Goodall Consulting Ltd in partnership with Nuala Foley & Associates and was designed for food, arts and craft entrepreneurs. The project opens doors which sometimes new businesses may struggle with, and one of the opportunities will be the event in Coleraine.

To date, four programmes and forty-five businesses have successfully completed their ‘Journey to Market’ and taken their product into the public arena. Julienne Elliott, Economic Development Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council said, “This Programme provides one to one mentoring to support each participant to develop their ideas and ensure they have the necessary skills to take them forward.

“This particular event will provide valuable experience selling direct to the public, as well as guiding them through business planning, product development, visual merchandising and marketing.

“Lara Goodall Programme Manager, has brought her wealth of specialist advisors and opened some of those difficult doors many of us face when starting a new business.”

Programme Manager and Business Consultant Lara Goodall stated, “The Journey to Market programme fits well with Christmas providing so many opportunities for everyone. The public can come and enjoy the various arts, crafts and food available on the day, while suppliers get to meet the public as part of their experience. Through this they will learn how to develop their unique product and what is like to answer questions on what they have created and produced.

“Many of those who have completed the previous programmes are doing exceptionally well and already developing new markets for their products. There are a few more mentoring opportunities and events for the current candidates to complete, but they are all benefiting from the various opportunities being provided.

To source more information on the Journey to Market Programme, ring Lara Goodall on 07793 388 343.