Causeway Coast & Glens Borough Council has commenced work on its Local Development Plan (LDP). The Plan will set a clear vision for how the Borough should look in the future (up to 2030) by setting out a planning policy framework and details on what type and scale of development should be encouraged and where it should be located.

Council has today published two key documents which detail how and when they will undertake this work:

A Local Development Plan Timetable – this sets out indicative timeframes for the key stages of the Plan preparation, including public consultation.

A Statement of Community Involvement in Planning - this sets out how Council intends to engage with the public, stakeholders and Government Departments in exercising its planning functions, including the preparation of the Local Development Plan, deciding planning applications in the Borough, enforcement and other planning matters.

Welcoming the publication of the two documents, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Alderman Maura Hickey, said: “Community involvement and engagement is a key part of Council’s decision making process. These two documents outline the opportunities that will be available to everyone to become involved in all aspects of the local planning process and in shaping the future development of this Borough. As such, I would encourage everyone to register their interest to become actively involved and have their views recorded and taken into account.”

The documents can be viewed, during normal office hours, at: Planning Office, County Hall, Castlerock Road, Coleraine, BT51 3HS, or online at:

Council is very keen on public engagement early in the process.

To enable this Council has developed a Local Development Plan “Register of Interest” for any group or individual interested in being kept informed and updated about the Causeway Coast and Glens Local Development Plan 2030.

Those interested can register their details in any of the following ways:



Post: Local Development Plan Team, County Hall, Castlerock Road, Coleraine, BT51 3HS

Tel: 0300 200 7830

Fax: 028 7034 1434

Text phone: 028 7034 7056

Regular updates on the progress of the Plan will be posted on our website at:

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Alderman Maura Hickey, pictured with the Chair of the Planning Committee, Councillor Roisin Loftus, and Head of Planning, Denise Dickson, as they launch the Local Development Plan Timetable and the Statement of Community Involvement in Planning.