Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will deliver an information and sharing event on Monday 27th June for organisations which currently provide support services to those experiencing poverty issues.

The event at Vineyard Compassion’s Hope Centre will showcase a range of practical help and support pathways, while providing an opportunity for service providers to share and connect with each another.

Looking ahead to the event, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ivor Wallace, said: “More and more people are experiencing the negative effects of the increasing cost of living, creating an unprecedented demand for support services.

“Council is pleased to host this event to bring support organisations together where they can share their experiences and knowledge for the good of those most in need in our community.

“I would encourage any organisation supporting those experiencing poverty, from community, voluntary and faith-based groups to charities, health and social care professionals and statutory bodies, to take part so that we can ensure people know where to turn to for help and advice.”

The initiative is part of the ongoing work of the Causeway Coast and Glens Anti-Poverty Steering Group, set up to tackle the causes of poverty. Established during the pandemic, the partnership aims to increase the co-ordination between organisations working to support those in need across the Borough, providing better information, signposting and communication.

The event will take place in the Hope Centre, Vineyard Compassion, 10 Hillman’s Way, Coleraine, from 10.30am - 12.30pm. To register please email:

For further information on services that are available for people who are experiencing financial difficulty in Causeway Coast and Glens click here