
Council joins community groups in planting over 2300 trees to help protect woodland habitat

Council joins community groups in planting over 2300 trees to help protect woodland habitat

Wed, May 22, 2024

Council is pleased to announce that 2,330 trees were planted across our Borough during last winter’s planting season.

Our Biodiversity and Habitat Management Officer, Lisa Russell worked with external groups, Council’s Estates team and other Council staff to make this possible.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan expressed his congratulations to those involved, adding: “I am delighted to see over 2,000 trees planted across our Borough. We have always prided ourselves on having such a beautiful Borough and this will only help our mandate.

“Native woodlands are important for a number of reasons, such as supporting a greater number of native plant and animal species, as well as regulating climate and tackling climate change.

“I am very impressed with this volume of plantations, and I hope we will continue in the future to improve biodiversity across the Borough.”

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council intends to continue to protect and increase our woodland habitat over the coming years.

Lisa is working on plans to restore our existing woodlands and increase tree cover in the Borough.

She was very encouraged to see groups like the Armoy Community Association and Friends Group, Cushendall, take an interest in enhancing their local environment.

“It is important to source trees from local provenance to ensure the best chance of survival in our climate and maintain genetic integrity,” she added.

“It is also essential to ensure the right tree is planted in the right place. We don’t want to be planting trees on other priority habitats, like species rich grassland.”

Over the years, Northern Ireland’s woodland habitat has greatly depleted. From being almost a total canopy, to now only around 10% canopy cover in Northern Ireland.

Councils, environmental groups, charities and businesses are working hard to increase woodland habitat across the country.

Trees were sourced and funded by The Woodland Trust MOREwoods and MOREhedges schemes as well as our LiveSmart Community Environmental Grant and from Magilligan Tree Nursery. All the trees planted were native species and their seeds were collected from, and grown on, the island of Ireland.

If you are interested in contributing or want to put forward tree numbers to our total, please get in touch by emailing