Council Offer Free Dog Microchipping Clinics Summer 2016

With new legislation making it compulsory for all dog owners to microchip their dogs, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is holding a series of free microchipping Clinics throughout the Borough.

A microchip is a small electronic chip, around the size of a grain of rice, which is implanted under the dog's skin and contains a unique number that can be read by a scanner.

The dog owner's contact details relating to each number are logged in a central database, so should the dog ever go missing or be stolen it can be scanned by Council’s Dog Wardens and returned to the owner swiftly and safely.

Aidan McPeake, Director of Environmental Services at Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council commented, “As part of our ‘Don’t give Dogs a Bad Name’ campaign aimed at encouraging Responsible Dog ownership, we are offering these free clinics to assist dog owners one morning per week during July and August.

“The clinics will be held in the Council offices, in which the location will change each week to ensure the whole Borough is covered. I encourage all dog owners to take advantage of this free service to comply with the new legislation in place.”

Clinics will be available from 10am-2pm at; Ballycastle Council Office on and 8th July and 12th August; Ballymoney Council Office on 22nd July and 19th August; Coleraine Council Office 5th August and 2nd September; and Limavady Council Office 25th July and 26thAugust.

To take advantage of the FREE microchipping Clinics, please contact Council’s Environmental Health Department at 028 7034 7171 or to book your appointment.