Over 100 entrepreneurs, employers and business leaders attended the ‘Skills to Propel Business Breakfast’ in the Bushtown Hotel today.

The event focused on highlighting the support and funding available for businesses and employers across the Borough to develop the skills of their workforce and was organised by Causeway Coast and Glens Labour Market Partnership, funded through the Department for Communities Labour Market Partnership (LMP) initiative.

The conference is aimed at boosting local businesses and increasing awareness of what help is out there both from the Labour Market Partnership, statutory bodies and also local training providers.

The event was opened by Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan who said: “One of my priorities for the Borough this year is to do everything in my power to support local businesses and local employers, to support local jobs, and local skills development.

“This morning is dedicated to sharing information on programmes, initiatives and funding available to help develop the skills of the labour market in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, thank you to everyone who has participated.”

The Mayor went on to explain that diversity was a key strength of business leaders in the Borough, saying it “reflects the richness of ideas, experiences, and perspectives that fuel our economy and drive our community forward.”

Manager of Causeway Coast and Glens Labour Market Partnership, Marc McGerty said: “It is great to see so many businesses and employers here this morning. We have a jam-packed agenda with information on programmes, grants, and funding to develop your workforce from the shop floor through to owners and directors.”

Marc continued: “Delegates will also be hearing from JKC BMW in Coleraine about their investment in training and upskilling and the subsequent return that this generated for this very well-known local employer.”

He added: “We will also be sharing information on potential employment academies that we will be developing with employers to help them attract new staff, as well as grants up to £500 per person for local residents to help them access training and upskilling which will help them progress in their career.”

For more information on the Labour Market Partnership and to get copies of the information and presentations, please visit https://www.causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk/LMP.