Local designers and makers have enjoyed a ‘Crafters Showcase’ at Flowerfield Arts Centre on Tuesday 5th March.

With 30 crafters on display, the audience of retailers and tourism trade had the opportunity to meet directly with the makers and learn more about their crafts.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Brenda Chivers who attended the event said: “The ‘Crafters Showcase’ provided an excellent opportunity for the talented craft artists in our area to engage with local retailers and promote their unique pieces. Not only does this create new retail relationships, it also promotes the creativity within the Causeway Coast and Glens Destination to our visitor audiences.”

Destination Manager Kerrie McGonigle added: “The growing wealth of local craft products within the Destination is both beneficial to trade partners and visitors. We wanted to bring the local trade together and showcase their unique offerings and we hope the event will bring further opportunities and develop new relationships which benefit everyone involved.”

The ‘Crafters Showcase’ event took place during Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Enterprise Week, which aims support businesses who are at different stages of their entrepreneurial journey.

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