A visit to the Ulster Museum has marked the start of a programme of events organised by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations team.

The trip gave participants from across the area an opportunity to view the ‘Troubles and Beyond’ exhibition.

The visit and facilitated discussion led by curator Karen Logan allowed people to reflect on how the exhibition affected them and to learn from each other’s perspectives on this turbulent period of history.

It is part of a series of events organised as part of the “Through the Looking Glass” programme which will see residents visit historical and cultural venues to encourage understanding of the diversity of people and places around us.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Brenda Chivers said: “This programme acknowledges diversity and my thanks go to all those who took part in this first visit. I hope it helps to foster a culture of respect and understanding which will aid good relations across the Causeway Coast and Glens area. I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in future events.”

Good Relations Officer Joy Wisener added: “We’re excited that we can provide an opportunity for our residents to explore one another’s culture in a safe and unthreatening way. The trip to the Ulster Museum is just one of many events we are organising and we look forward to welcoming more participants throughout the year.”

One participant said: “This was a good opportunity to learn of other cultures and events which shaped our history.”

The Through the Looking Glass programme is free of charge but places are limited so if you would to be notified of future events please contact goodrelations@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or call Amy/Lorraine on 7776 0304 or Joy on 7034 7067.

If you want to attend an event but you don’t have access to transport, the Good Relations team will make every effort to ensure that you can participate.