Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is hosting two drop-in information sessions about its Everybody Active grants programme.

The funding scheme is open to local projects which aim to promote and increase participation in physical activity and its development within the Borough.

The information workshops will take place on Monday 18th June in the Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre, Ballymoney from 6pm- 8pm and Tuesday 16th June in Conference Room 2 at Council’s Civic Headquarters in Coleraine from 3pm-6pm.

Through the Everybody Active grants programme, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council will consider up to 100% funding towards total eligible costs, up to a maximum of £1000. Priority will be given to projects which aim to increase participation among traditionally underrepresented groups. This includes women and girls, people with a disability and those living in areas of greatest social need (specifically people living within the top 25% of wards designated by NI Multiple Deprivation Measure Index 2010).

All applications must demonstrate how the grant will be used to contribute towards the outcomes of the Causeway Coast and Glens Community Plan.

Applications close at 12 noon on Monday 16th July 2018. All projects must be completed by 31st March 2019 and programme costs must be incurred and/or delivery of equipment before 31st March 2019.

Applicants can find further information and guidance notes on the Council website.

Applications can be made using the Council’s online funding hub:

This grants programme is supported by Sport Northern Ireland and Department for Communities.