
Good Relations project explored world cultures

Mon, September 07, 2015

CULTURES from around the world were explored by young people at a recent Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council summer programme, ‘All Mixed Up’.

The Good Relations programme funded the project, as part of the ‘Together: Building a United Community (TBUC)’.  The Summer Camp Funding programme is designed for young people of different cultural traditions, aged between 11 years and16 years. The programme explores music, dance, drama and art from a range of countries throughout the world.

Young people from throughout the borough showcased what they had learned from the programme at an event held in Millburn Primary School on Thursday 27th August.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations Officer Patricia Cameron said, “The four day event was brought to a close with a fantastic showcase for friends and family of those who took part.

“The young people, many of whom came from neighbourhood renewal areas with a diverse range of cultural and religious backgrounds, really embraced the aims of the project. The outcome was clear for all to see.

“For me, the highlight of the event was seeing the group playing a game of football at lunch time on the second day. This was a group of young people from different community backgrounds showing a clear statement of mutual respect, something they naturally enjoyed together.

“Young people from what is deemed the ‘loyalist areas’ of Coleraine made new friends with young people from similarly deemed ‘nationalist areas’ of Dungiven. They learned that they have far more in common with each other than they might previously have thought.

“I believe the programme enabled social barriers to be broken down and the showcase event allowed the participants to really express themselves in a safe environment.”

For further details on Causeway Coast and Glens Community programmes, visit