Representatives from the Peace IV ‘Sharing Your Community Space’ project have gathered at the Lodge Hotel in Coleraine for a special event to celebrate its success.

The two and a half year initiative was part of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s €4.3m European Union PEACE IV Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. Participants took part in dialogue sessions and workshops, and were able to avail of funding up to £20,000 for minor capital works as well as up to £500 to invest in new activities.

The finale on Tuesday 17th December was attended by over 80 representatives from 34 local community organisations who participated in the inspiring programme.

The theme of the occasion, ‘Moving Forward Together, Sharing our Space and Sharing our Resources’ reflected the overall ethos of the initiative.

Speaking about its success, Chair of the Partnership Board Patricia Crossley, said: “Many meaningful relationships have been developed as a result of participating in the programme; perceptions have been challenged and groups have a new and invigorated approach to operating, promoting and sharing their community spaces.”

Through the project, local organisations came together to explore the possibility of shared space and how community facilities can be welcoming and open for everyone.

A wide variety of community facilities were represented in the programme, ranging from large modern community centres to small community houses, Orange Halls, Gaelic Clubs alongside old and new buildings.

Many of the participants involved have reported they will continue the relationships they have forged through partnership working and sharing services and expertise with each other.

Watch this video below to hear how the project has made a difference to those who took part