Emergency Financial Assistance is available to cover council costs incurred in responding to the needs of householders as a result of recent flooding incidents.

A Scheme of Emergency Financial Assistance is in place which can provide £1000 of emergency funding for households damaged by flood water and enable other assistance to be provided in certain circumstances.

The £1,000 is an offer of practical assistance to those who have suffered severe inconvenience, to ensure homes are made habitable as quickly as possible. It is not a compensation payment. (Only in an exceptional case will more than one such payment be made to any individual household in any 12-month period.)

Individual householders will be eligible for the £1,000 payment where:-

i they can produce evidence that the property for which assistance is being claimed is their main place of residence; and

ii they have notified district councils within 31 calendar days of the last recorded date of the flooding incident; and

iii. a senior official, e.g. an environmental health officer (EHO), has taken action and has obtained evidence that complies with the Scheme and the Department’s guidance.

Households affected by flooding should contact the Environmental Health Department at Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council so they can be visited by Council staff as soon as possible to ensure. For further information on the emergency financial assistance available or to notify Council of affected properties call the Environmental Health Department on 028 27660200.

Advice on clearing up after a flood

There are a number of things to be aware of when clearing up after a flood.

1. Flood water can contain sewage, chemicals and animal waste. Always wear:

· waterproof outerwear, including gloves;

· wellington boots;

· face mask.

2. If your electricity supply is not already switched off at the mains, get a qualified person to do this. DO NOT touch sources of electricity when standing in flood water.

3. If you have gas or oil central heating and it has been checked by an engineer, turn it on. Keep the thermostat between 20-22 ºC for steady drying.

4. You can get water out of your property using a pump and generator. Position the generator outside in the open air as generators produce carbon monoxide fumes which can kill.

5. Only pump out water when flood levels outside your property start to be lower than inside. This reduces the risk of structural damage.

6. Shovel mud away evenly from both sides of a wall. This stops pressure building up on one side.

7. You can clean and disinfect your property using ordinary household products.

8. A garden hose is useful for washing down. Do not use high-pressure hoses as they blast contaminated matter into the air.

9. If you are drying your property naturally, keep doors and windows open as much as possible. If using dehumidifiers, close external doors and windows.

10. If using a generator to power a dehumidifier or other electrical equipment ensure that the generator is located outside in the open air as generators produce carbon monoxide fumes which can kill.