Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is appealing to all householders to dispose of their domestic rubbish in a responsible way.
In an important message, the Mayor Councillor Sean Bateson said: “There has been an increase in fly tipping within the Borough over the last few weeks. A lot of this material is bin liners filled with household waste that should have been placed in the black bin. I appreciate that Household Recycling Centres are currently closed to the public but I would ask for everyone to dispose of their rubbish properly and not to fly tip on private lands or the roadside.
“Fly tipping is unsightly but more importantly it can create problems with vermin. If it takes place on land where livestock and horses are kept it also puts these animals at risk. If all householders use their bins properly and recycle as much as they can there should be no excess waste. Please avoid any house or garage clear outs at this time. If you’re doing a spring clean, use your household bins to dispose of any waste. Keep any excess safely bagged at home until you have room in your bins or the recycling centres reopen. All compostable material or food waste should be placed in your brown bin.”
It is an offence to litter any private or public land and anyone found committing this offence could face a fine of up to £2500. Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council investigates all incidents of fly tipping and where the offender is identified formal action will be taken.
The public can help Council tackle the problem. If anyone witnesses someone fly tipping or littering they can provide details such as vehicle registration numbers and Council will investigate with a view to taking formal action. To report an incident to Environmental Health ring 028 2766 0200.
There has been an increase in fly tipping across Causeway Coast and Glens over the last few weeks, including cases like this of bin liners filled with household waste. Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is appealing for everyone to dispose of their domestic rubbish in a responsible way.