Flowerfield Arts Centre and Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre are offering a creative way to improve well-being with a new online mindfulness course for adults.

Starting on January 27th, the Restore course will take place online each Wednesday evening for four weeks, starting at 7.30pm via Zoom.

Restore features four sessions exploring mindfulness and relaxation techniques combined with drawing and creativity.

The course, which aims to help people find ease in mind and body and equip them to manage stress more effectively, will be delivered by Deborah Mullan of Tree & Tide, an accredited psychotherapist and nature therapy guide living on the Causeway Coast.

The friendly and informal course is part of the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Arts Service’s ArtBeat Initiative which focuses on creativity and well-being.

The course costs £20 per person. Places are limited so for more information and to book visit www.flowerfield.org or www.roevalleyarts.com. ​​