An inclusive cycling event will be held at Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre on September 26.

The cycling sessions will give participants a chance to try out the range of specialist cycling equipment available through​ the Disability Hub.

Given the current circumstances, a booking system has been put in place and we would ask participants to note the following:

  • 30 minute periods will begin at 9.30am and stop at 11.30am (Three slots are available, from 9.30 to 10am, 10.15 to 10.45am and 11.00 to 11.30am).
  • Maximum of 30min period can be booked.
  • Following a booking bikes must be cleaned, so will be out of service for a 15min period.
  • Maximum of 6 participants in one 30 min period.
  • Bookings will be on a first come first served basis (2 x Small trikes, 2 x medium trikes, 2 x large trikes, 2 x hand-cycles, 1 x 2 person side by side bike and 1 x wheelchair platform bike)
  • If a participant needs help transferring onto a bike the parent/guardian/carer must assist with this.
  • All bikes will be cleaned prior to session, after usage, and following the session.
  • Sanitisation of hands with the santiser available must be carried out by every participant prior to and after their session on the bike.
  • Participants' details, or that of a responsible adult, will be logged for track and trace purposes by completing a form, and participants agree to being COVID 19 symptom free prior to any sessions.

Participants should download the full Inclusive Cycling Information sheet by clicking here
If you wish to book a time slot, or should you have any further questions, please email