LOCAL community peer leaders and role models throughout the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area are invited to apply to take part in the 2015/2016 Good Relations Holocaust Education programme.

The scheme offers an innovative and alternative perspective to assist participants on ways of informing people about sectarianism and racism.

A group of twenty five people, aged between 18 and 25, from different community backgrounds will be introduced to the history of the holocaust. Particular emphasis will be on the experience of the different groups of people who were put to death at the former Nazi Concentration Camp at Auschwitz in Poland.

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations Officer, Patricia Cameron said, “This programme is designed for young people who have a role to play in local communities to tackle sectarianism and racism. Applicants should currently play an active role in encouraging positive behaviour in the attitudes of young people and their peers.

“As well as aiming to develop skills, the programme will engage people from different community backgrounds, and provide a greater understanding of issues, barriers and solutions to building tolerance and understanding of different cultural, religious and political traditions.”

The programme will consist of two main elements. Firstly, there will be a number of learning workshops, followed by an opportunity to visit the former Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in Poland. This will be a detailed study visit, along with pre and post departure workshop.
Candidates will be selected to ensure an equal balance in terms of the religious make-up of participants, with equal candidates selected from the two main traditions in Northern Ireland. Participants must represent the communities within which they live and be able to demonstrate they can bring the learning back into their own communities.

To apply candidates must fulfil the essential criteria noted below:
• Applicants must be aged between 18 – 25 years.
• Applicants should not be in paid employment.
• Applicants must live in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area.
• Applicants must be nominated by a local community organisation or group.
• Applicants must be able to demonstrate how they will use the learning and experience of the programme to benefit their community after the programme has finished.
• Applicants must already have a valid passport for travel.
• Applicants cannot have previously participated in a Holocaust Education programme.

For further information, or to submit an application, contact Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Good Relations Officer, Patricia Cameron via telephone on 028 777 60304, mobile on 078 0095 5350 or email at patricia.cameron@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk. Completed applications must be returned no later than 12.00 noon on Monday 21st September 2015.