
Mayor congratulates young historians involved in Ballycastle project

Mayor congratulates young historians involved in Ballycastle project

Mon, July 01, 2024

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, has congratulated the Young Historians of St Patrick’s & St Brigid’s Primary School.

The showcase event, which was held earlier this month, is part of the wider Ballycastle Museum community engagement programme, funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The children were asked to collect a ‘story’ from a grandparent, older neighbour or family friend and then to share that story. The stories were captured in several different ways, including video interviews, photographs, artworks, and handwritten text.

The Mayor, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, who visited the project, said: “I would like to thank our funders, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, and Council’s Museum Service for co-ordinating this fantastic project.

“It is obvious that this has sparked an interest in local history for the children who have participated, and I was extremely impressed with the range of ways in which they have captured these stories through their detailed research.

“Well done to everyone who has taken part; the people who shared their stories, the teachers for being so supportive and especially the Young Historians for their creative and interesting work. I have no doubt that this will inspire historians of the future.”

Young Historians explored a range of topics, with many different elements including, local and social history, commercial, sporting, music and dance, alongside traditional folklore.

The children, who were commended for their hard work and creativity, will have their stories showcased in a video which will soon be made available to view on the NI Community Heritage Archive website.

For more information on the NI Community Heritage Archive visit their website:

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan chats to pupils from St Patrick’s and St Brigid’s Primary School, who were involved in the recently unveiled ‘Young Historians’ project. Pictured at the unveiling of the ‘Young Historians’ project School, are the children and parents who attended the event; the children recorded historical ‘stories’ and presented these in various creative ways.