
Success of treble-winning Limavady United FC recognised at civic reception

Success of treble-winning Limavady United FC recognised at civic reception

Fri, May 31, 2024

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens has hosted a reception in Cloonavin to honour the success of Limavady United Football Club.

The team successfully won a treble of trophies for the 23/24 season, including the Craig Memorial Cup, the North West Senior Cup and the Premier Intermediate League.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan said: “As a Limavady man, I was very pleased to see the continued success of our local football team.

“I was delighted to have hosted the team at Cloonavin on their triple win.

“I hope the team keep up their success and I hope that their victories will inspire the sporting stars of the future.”

On Boxing Day 2023, Limavady excelled to beat Portstewart 3-0 in the BetMclean Craig Memorial Cup final, extending their record number of competition wins to 10 times. It was the first time they won the competition since the 2016/17 season.

In March, The Roesiders beat Derry/Londonderry’s Institute in a penalty shoot-out, after a 2-2 draw. It was the seventh time the team won the competition, with their last win five seasons ago.

Limavady United FC also won the third division of football in Northern Ireland, the NIFL Premier Intermediate League, with a six-point lead over second place over Armagh City.

Limavady United Manager, Paul Owens, praised the Mayor for hosting a reception, saying: “It was a great honour to be acknowledged at the reception.

“It is a great mark of the success of the board, staff, playing staff and coaching staff.”

He added: “It is a fantastic acknowledgement of the hard work put in all season and we are looking forward to carrying on that success next season.”

The Mayor, Cllr Steven Callaghan, with members of the playing, coaching and backroom staff. Limavady United Chairman Mark Clyde, with team captain Ruairi Boornan, manager Paul Owens and the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan. The Mayor, Cllr Steven Callaghan with Limavady United team captain Ruairi Boornan