The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has attended a very special celebration at Clairville Residential Home outside Rasharkin.

Councillor Sean Bateson was on hand as resident Isa Edmondson marked her 100th birthday on Thursday 22nd August.

The centenarian, who is never without her signature necklace, bracelets and brooch, was joined by good friend Jean Jefferson and care home staff to mark the milestone occasion.

Speaking after meeting with Isa, the Mayor said: “It was an honour for me to have this opportunity to offer my best wishes to Isa on this very happy day. She is clearly much-loved by all those who know her, and I was delighted to play a part in her birthday celebrations. The staff at Clairville deserve recognition for the daily care and attention they show to Isa and I would like to wish her continued health and happiness in her life.”

Isa, who is originally from the Bushmills Road in Coleraine, was pre-deceased by her twin sister Rita ten years ago. She has lived in Clairville Residential Home for the past 13 years.

Commenting on what type of person Isa is, family friend Jean Jefferson said: “As long as Isa has a string of jewellery around her neck, a bangle on each hand and a brooch then she is happy. And she loves Tayto cheese and onion crisps and would have a bag every day of the year!

Isa Edmondson pictured at her 100th birthday celebrations at Clairville Residential Home.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Sean Bateson pictured with Esa Edmondson at her 100th birthday celebrations.