
Mayor launches community quilt project

Mayor launches community quilt project

Wed, October 28, 2015

Creative minds across the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area have been invited to promote ‘their patch’ as part of quilt project, developed by the Mayor, Councillor Michelle Knight-McQuillan.

The Mayor commented, ‘This Community Patchwork Quilt Project will incorporate images which reflect the Causeway Coast and Glens area. The quilt will represent and stitch together what is important to local town and village communities.

‘A questionnaire has been issued to local community groups, schools and other interested organisations across the Council area as I hope to get some ideas on what people would like to be in the quilt.

‘I’ve asked for suggestions based on three things which people feel represent their area or group to be included in the quilt.  It could be something like; the environment, an activity or a historical feature or a colour or shape. Be as creative as you like!’

For further information, please contact the Mayor Office at Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council on telephone 028 7034 7010 or via email at