Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan, has thanked those who attended his recent charity coffee morning, in aid of MindWise and NIKPA.
The first of two coffee mornings was held in Dungiven Library on Saturday 1st February, raising over £600 for both charities.
Those in attendance were treated to a fantastic array homemade bakes and sweet treats.
Speaking after the event, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan said: “This fundraiser would not have been possible without such amazing community support.
“I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to every person who helped, whether through donations of food or by coming along to the coffee morning.
“I would also like to thank to the staff at Dungiven Library for providing such a warm welcome and also for the use of their wonderful community facilities.”
The second coffee morning will take place in Coleraine Town Hall on Saturday 15th February from 10am to 1pm, where the Mayor will be joined by Deputy Mayor, Councillor Tanya Stirling.
During the upcoming coffee morning, the Mayor will present two signed special edition t-shirts, which were very kindly donated by Ballymoney road racer Michael Dunlop, to representatives from each charity.
Reflecting on the first of the two coffee mornings, the Mayor added: “Both MindWise and NIKPA provide much needed support for residents in Causeway Coast and Glens, and I would encourage anyone who can, to come along on Saturday 15th February to Coleraine Town Hall, to help raise funds for both charities.”
If you are not able to attend on the day, and would like to donate visit:

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan pictured with Councillor Sean McGlinchey, Councillor Kathleen McGurk and representatives from the charity NIKPA at the Mayor’s charity coffee morning held in Dungiven Library.

Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Ciarán McQuillan pictured alongside Carole Devine, Libraries NI and Councillor Kathleen McGurk at the Mayor’s charity coffee morning held in Dungiven Library.

Emma Proctor, NIPKA representative pictured with Reairi Harkin at the Mayor’s charity coffee morning held in Dungiven Library.

Attendees enjoying the Mayor’s charity coffee morning held in Dungiven Library, to raise funds for MindWise and NIPKA.