A new Climate Emergency Forum has been established by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council as it seeks to address climate change issues.
The working group’s first meeting was held on Tuesday 8th June 2021, ahead of the monthly Environmental Services Committee.
The Mayor, Councillor Richard Holmes, has said the creation of the group is a positive step which will seek to preserve our local environment for future generations: “I’m pleased to see Council taking this proactive approach to climate change as we seek to work together for the good of our Borough and our local communities.
“Climate change should be a concern for all of us and through this Working Group, Council will seek to make positive changes which will make a real and lasting difference. To some this may seem like a drop in the ocean - but it is our drop.”
“We want to become a carbon neutral organisation and play our part in helping the Government achieve its zero emissions target by 2050. While this might appear to be a long way off, it is essential we start working towards this and recognise that now is the time for action.
“The Working Group will concentrate on a number of main themes including transport, heating, renewables, smart technology, operational efficiency and power and we want to ensure that climate change becomes a key consideration for all.”