Mayor welcomes High Street Hero Awards shortlist featuring Ballycastle, Balnamore Ballymoney and Coleraine
The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has congratulated the local towns and businesses shortlisted in this year’s High Street Heroes Awards.
Nearly 10,000 shoppers and customers across Northern Ireland voted for their favourites in a range of categories. Among those shortlisted are:
Best Fashion Retailer – Couples, Coleraine & Winsome Lady, Ballymoney
Best Butcher – McKay’s Family Butchers, Ballycastle
Best Homeware – WJ Walker, Ballymoney
Best High Street – Ballymoney & Coleraine
Best Convenience Store – Brooklands Nearby, Balnamore
Overall Independent Retailer – Couples, Coleraine & Winsome Lady, Ballymoney
Commenting after the shortlist was announced, the Mayor, Councillor Ivor Wallace said: “This campaign is a great celebration of our independent retailers, and I am very pleased to see our Borough so well represented.
“We have a buoyant independent sector across our towns and villages, and their products, traditions, service and approach create a unique vibrancy and character for our visitors and shoppers to enjoy."
“I want to say well done to those who have been selected for the shortlist, and it’s very encouraging to see local excellence recognised in this way.”
The winners in each category will be announced at an exclusive evening reception in Hinch Distillery on Wednesday 17th August.
Pictured left-right are: Voice for Locals Founder, Jay Thattai, Retail NI Chief Executive, Glyn Roberts, and Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Ivor Wallace pictured in Coleraine for the launch of the High Street Heroes Awards