The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council recently welcomed St John Ambulance members to Cloonavin to mark a significant volunteering milestone.

Collectively, the event celebrated 10,000 hours of volunteering, with certificates presented to individuals who reached 50, 100 or 200 hours from Causeway Volunteer Centre as part of the EPIC (Empowering People In Communities) initiative.

Offering his congratulations, the Mayor Councillor Ivor Wallace said: “St John Ambulance volunteers provide a vital service to the community and they have done a huge amount of work during the pandemic and beyond which we should all be very grateful for.

“I was very pleased to recognise their exceptional efforts in this way, as once again we showcase the importance of the volunteer sector.

“On behalf of the Borough, I want to say thank you to the volunteers for the important role that they play, selflessly giving up their time and sharing their skills, for the benefit of all of us.”

Andrew Paul, Coleraine Unit Manager, added: “It was fantastic for St John Ambulance Coleraine to be invited to the Mayor's reception in recognition of the hours of effort that we all contribute on an entirely voluntary basis.

“We are glad to be approaching ‘the norm’ again after our volunteers stepped up and contributed 10,000 hours of life-saving skills during the initial waves of the pandemic, in spite of the personal risks, risks to family and the excess strain around normal working hours.

“Thank you to the Council for their ongoing support, and to Causeway Volunteer Centre for the recognition and presentation of EPIC Awards.”

To find out more visit St John Ambulance Coleraine Unit on Facebook or go to