Work is now underway in Mosside on the long-awaited refurbishment of the community ‘barn’, as part of the Covid Recovery Small Settlements Regeneration Programme.

The programme aims to address long-standing issues such as rural poverty, isolation and access to services in small settlements with a population of less than 5,000 people.

The Mosside project, funded by Council and DfC, will breathe new life into the building known locally as ‘The Barn’ – part of the village’s community centre. It will see the creation of additional storage space, a new floor, a suspended ceiling, and re-plastered and damp-proofed internal walls. A dedicated community meeting and activities room will be constructed, and the entire community centre will be painted externally.

The aspiration of the local community is for a functional space in which they can provide a range of additional activities and services for all ages including exercise classes, mental health and well-being courses, a hub for teenagers and a new youth club.

Construction work began on 24 July 2023 and is expected to last for 15 weeks.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens, Councillor Steven Callaghan said: “This exciting new development will be a major boost for the community in Mosside and will enable community leaders to plan and deliver a wide range of activities that have been sadly lacking in this area for some time.

“I am very grateful to Department for Communities for this funding and of course, to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for its financial assistance.”

Under this funding Programme, projects are also underway in the settlements of Armoy, Burnfoot, Bushmills, Dernaflaw, Dervock, Drumsurn, Dungiven, Garvagh, Gortnaghey, Greysteel, Kilrea, Magilligan, and Rasharkin to create new and enhanced facilities. These will be completed by the end of March, 2024.