Vulnerable people living across the Causeway Coast and Glens are set to benefit from a new multi-agency support hub.

It aims to encourage an ethos of working together to provide appropriate assistance to those in need.

The initiative which involves Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, the Department of Justice, PSNI, NIFRS and other statutory agencies, was officially launched this week. It was developed as part of the Community Plan for the area which provides a long term vision for the future based on needs, priorities and opportunities.

Voicing his support for the approach, the Chairperson of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership, Councillor Tony McCaul said: “By sharing information and working in partnership we will make a real difference to those in our communities who are most in need of help. Timely and effective interventions will have a positive impact on quality of life and contribute to the overall resilience of our communities. Through our Community Plan we want to create ‘a better future together’ and this new hub is a clear sign of this in action. We look forward to developing relationships with our voluntary and charity sector to create a complete collaborative approach.”

Causeway Coast & Glens District Commander Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay said: “The multi-agency approach of the Support Hub helps to create a fuller picture around the person or family unit allowing for early interventions to reduce vulnerability and improve wellbeing. The learning from other pilot schemes is that it’s often the simple and low cost interventions that work the best. Information sharing between the partners means individuals and groups are getting the right help for their particular circumstances.”

The Department of Justice’s Head of Community Safety Division Steven McCourt said: “Support hubs are an important component of the draft Programme for Government. Support hubs ensure the right support is delivered at the right time, from the most appropriate agencies, to the people who need it most. The help that individuals receive through agencies working together in this way, and sharing information, improves their personal situation, but can also help steer them away from the justice system.”

Anyone interested in finding out more is invited to attend a meeting on Wednesday 28th March in Cloonavin at 1.30pm. Please email to register your attendance.

Pictured at the launch of the Causeway Coast and Glens Multi-Agency Support Hub are (back row) Jonny Donaghy (PCSP Manager), Lynne Bailie (NIAS), Andy Deal (NIFRS), Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay (PSNI), (front row Sergeant Terry McKenna (PSNI), Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Joan Baird OBE, Anne-Marie McKinney (Western Health &Social Care Trust) and Ashleen Schenning (PCSP Vice-Chair).

Pictured at the launch of the Causeway Coast and Glens Multi-Agency Support Hub are Lynne Bailie (NIAS), Anne-Marie McKinney (Western Health &Social Care Trust), the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Joan Baird OBE, Ashleen Schenning (PCSP vice-Chair), Superintendent Jeremy Lindsay (PSNI) and Andy Deal (NIFRS).