Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is introducing new legislation as part of a crackdown on dog fouling.
The Fouling of Lands by Dogs (Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council) Order 2018 comes into effect from November 1st 2018. It aims to create a cleaner and safer environment for everyone.
Under the Order, it is an offence for anyone to allow their dog to foul and subsequently fail to pick it up. It increases the available Court fine for dog fouling offences from £500 to £1000 while offenders will also be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice of £80 for the offence of allowing a dog to foul.
The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Brenda Chivers said: “The introduction of this new legislation highlights Council’s commitment to eliminating the dangerous and unsightly problem of dog fouling. We should all show pride in the areas we live and the places we visit by ensuring they remain as clean as possible for all to enjoy. I appeal to all dog owners to show responsibility and play their part by cleaning up after their pets at all times.”
Dog owners are reminded that all dog foul should be lifted immediately, bagged and disposed of in any public litter bin. Council officers will be patrolling the Borough to enforce this legislation while members of the public can provide witness statements about any incidents of dog fouling that they observe. These can be used to serve Fixed Penalty Notices and prosecute offenders.
To report a case of dog fouling please contact Council’s Environmental Services Department on 028 2766 0233 or email