Five new neighbourhood watch schemes have recently been launched in Dungiven.

The launch was attended by members of Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership, PSNI and 12 new local scheme co-ordinators.

Neighbourhood Watch, a partnership between local communities, PSNI and PCSPs, aims to help people protect themselves and their property and reduce the fear of crime.

Vice Chairperson of the Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP Anthony McPeake commented: “I am delighted to see the enthusiasm and very proactive commitment of our 12 new neighbourhood coordinators in a bid to help reduce fears and deal with local concerns relating to the security and safety of the residents within the neighbourhood watch network”.

Community Planning Sergeant Darrell McIvor added: “It is fantastic to see so many people interested in the Neighbourhood Watch scheme. Neighbourhood Watch is about communities and policing working actively together to promoting safety and well-being and making sure that no one has to feel afraid, vulnerable or isolated in the place where they live.”

The new schemes will cover the Ardnasmoll, Finvola Park, Ranny Glass, Glenroe Park and Curragh Road areas and will complement the existing scheme at Glenhaven on the outskirts of the town.

In the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, there are currently 55 schemes and 81 co-ordinators covering approximately 5117 households. They create effective communication between residents and police, with local co-ordinators acting as a primary point of contact.

Neighbourhood watch is simply about being a good neighbour and looking out for one another. A representative is selected from the community to be the co-ordinator and they will liaise with relevant agencies on the community’s behalf and share relevant information and advice with their scheme householders. When a scheme is first accredited, signage will be put up to indicate the scheme is in operation – this in itself serves as a deterrent to would-be criminals.

If you wish to find out more information about setting up a scheme in your neighbourhood please contact the PCSP staff by emailing or speak with PSNI.

Pictured at the launch of the new Neighbourhood Watch Schemes in Dungiven are Inspector Colin Shaw, PSNI, PCSP staff from Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, PCSP members Caroline White and Councillor Brenda Chivers and PCSP Vice Chair Anthony Mc Peake.