Are you aware of the dangers associated with hot appliances, liquids and bath water and how quickly accidents can happen at home?

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is backing a new video campaign from the Public Health Agency which aims to shows how quickly and easily burns and scalds can occur.

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Joan Baird OBE, said: “We cannot underestimate the dangers which lurk in our homes, and this latest video from the Public Health Agency reinforces this very important message. I hope by highlighting these dangers we encourage more people to introduce home safety checks into their daily routine and reduce the number of accidents which take place.”

Dr Carolyn Harper, Director of Public Health at the PHA: “Home accidents can easily be prevented by being aware of the dangers and hazards that are present in the home environment and taking steps to minimise the risks. Hot appliances, liquids and bath water are responsible for more than half of all burns and scalds, with young children being particularly vulnerable. The video aims to highlight how easy it is for a child to burn themselves or be scalded, and encourages parents and guardians to be aware of the risks and how injuries can be reduced.”

Mary Black, Assistant Director of Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement with the PHA, said: “It is impossible to watch over our children 24 hours a day, so it is essential that we take time to make the home environment as safe as possible. “The video shows a typical busy home and highlights that it can take just seconds for an accident to happen.”

It also informs people that:

Hot drinks can still scald 15 minutes after they’ve been made and can result in years of skin graft treatment. Ensure hot drinks are out of reach of babies and children.
Hot water scalds in seconds. Run the cold water first and always check the temperature of bath water.
Hair straighteners can get very hot, very quickly and cause serious burns that scar for life, keep out of the reach of children and put them away safely after use.

Dr Julie-Ann Maney, consultant in paediatric emergency medicine in The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children said: “We look after children every day who have sustained accidental burns and scalds. Burns and scalds can be life threatening and can have long term health implications. Prevention and awareness of first aid measures are really important in the management of burns. The advice and the warnings in the scarred for life video and website are essential for all parents and carers. Prevention is always better than a cure.”

Please see the short video below