Three Olympic medal winners have become the first Freemen of the Borough of Causeway Coast and Glens.

The honour was bestowed on rowers Alan Campbell, Richard Chambers and Peter Chambers by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council at a special meeting held on Friday 8th December.

Reserved only for the most eminent achievers, the Freedom of the Borough is the highest honour which a Council can confer.

The event, held in the Council’s Civic Headquarters in Cloonavin, recognised the trio’s Olympic achievements and position as outstanding ambassadors for the Borough.

Speaking afterwards, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Councillor Joan Baird OBE, said: “Today’s ceremony was a hugely significant occasion, as Council conferred its first Freedom of the Borough on to three Olympic medal winners from the area. Alan, Richard and Peter have brought great honour to our Borough, and this occasion allowed Council to express its civic pride at all they have accomplished. These three individuals have achieved so much in their shared sporting field, and Council is delighted to make them the Borough’s first Freemen.

“They are an important part of the Borough’s sporting story, which has seen the Causeway Coast and Glens perform to a consistently high standard on the world stage, and their Olympic success is a huge source of pride for the Borough.

“I hope their achievements and new position as Freemen will inspire us all, especially our sportsmen and women of the future.”

The Freedom ceremony was followed by a civic lunch where the new Freemen were presented with a unique painting of a rowing scene on the River Bann by Coleraine artist Sara Cunningham-Bell.