Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is seeking participants for a Shared History Project.

It includes an overnight residential trip which will explore some of the key events that have shaped and influenced our shared history.

The free visit has been organised as part of the Council’s Good Relations programme.

It involves a two day study visit to places of historical importance including The Somme Heritage Centre in Newtownards, Kilmainham Gaol and Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum in Dublin.

The visit will take place over Thursday 9th February and Friday 10th February.

The Shared History Project is aimed at those people who work in local communities in the Causeway Coast and Glen’s area. Its aim is to challenge people from different community backgrounds on how our history has impacted communities today.

In order to apply, please complete the Shared History Project application form below and carefully read the information pack.

Places are limited and the closing date for applications is Friday 20th January at 12 noon.

Completed applications should be submitted to: or posted to Lorraine Coulter, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, Limavady Office, 7 Connell Street, Limavady, BT49 0HA