Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council is showing its support for the local hospitality sector by waiving Pavement Café Licence fees.

This means that businesses who supply food or drink can apply to place furniture on a public area for use by customers.

This includes cafés, restaurants, pubs, retail outlets providing refreshments, takeaways and supermarkets with a deli counter.

Licensed premises intending to serve alcohol outside will require a separate amendment to their current drinks licence.

The new streamlined application process will open from Monday 29th June 2020. Fees will be waived for a 6-month period until December 31st December 2020.

It is hoped that this decision will assist hospitality providers as they begin to re-open following the coronavirus closure period, in line with Government direction.

Business owners who are considering making an application for a Pavement Café Licence should note the following:

*Applications must be made on the application form and be accompanied by plans

*Applicants will be required to submit evidence of their Public Liability insurance.

*A risk assessment, including a specific assessment for COVID-19, must be provided.

*Council will consult with the Department for Infrastructure and PSNI where appropriate.

*A 28 day public consultation period will run concurrently with business operation. No licences will be issued until the expiry of the consultation period.

*Licences will only be issued to those business that can comply with conditions ensuring the safety of all pedestrians and other road users.

Applicants are advised to check here for further information on safe re-opening and best practice.

They should also contact the Environmental Services Department on 028 2766 0233 or email in advance of submitting an application.

Planning permission may be required for development associated with Pavement Cafes and you should contact the Planning Department by emailing or ring 028 7034 7100 to discuss your proposal.

The application form and guidance notes can be downloaded below.