A pilot scheme by Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and the Police Service of Northern Ireland, in partnership with CanTrack Global Ltd, has led to the recovery of £35,000 worth of stolen assets.

Among the items returned to their rightful owner was a farm quad which was taken during a theft in July.

The pilot project, introduced in February 2020, aims to encourage farmers and the rural community to adopt crime prevention methods like the installation of tracking devices.

By subsidising the cost of the PROTECT tracking unit and first year subscription, participants have been able to protect quads and agricultural vehicles, and

Speaking about the recovery, PCSP Chairperson, Councillor Adrian McQuillan said:

“The PCSP is delighted by the success of the pilot rural tracker scheme, which has helped to ensure the recovery of valuable stolen equipment.

“Quads, like all agricultural vehicles, are an expensive commodity and their loss can have a serious detrimental impact on a farm or business. I hope that by emphasising the outcomes of this scheme we encourage others to adopt crime prevention measures to protect their property and livelihoods.

“Tackling rural crime is very much a joint effort and the Causeway Coast and Glens Policing and Community Safety Partnership recognise that it is important we continue to strengthen our relationships to ensure we are all doing everything we can to prevent and tackle the issue. This initiative clearly shows how effective partnership working can be.”

Neighbourhood Inspector O’Brien added:

"This outcome shows just how effective these trackers can be in aiding our work to locate stolen items. We were able to find these valuable items within a matter of hours and, following our enquiries, they were returned to their rightful owner.

"The concept of Prevention First was launched as our Crime Prevention Strategy 2025. This places the prevention of crime at the very heart of daily policing business, ensuring the delivery of a victim-focused, responsive, visible and accessible policing service.

"Supporting various crime prevention initiatives including the use of this rural tracker scheme sit well in this work. Our partnership work with key partner agencies like Causeway Coast and Glens PCSP and the local community will be the most effective way forward to help prevent crime."

Pauline Nelmes from Trackkit Ltd said:

“Theft is on the rise and I am delighted at being able to offer products like Protect through the local Causeway Coast and Glens Council and PSCP pilot scheme that made this significant recovery possible and the assets returned to their rightful owner within hours. Fitting stolen vehicle recovery products increases the chances of having your stolen assets returned and may reduce your insurance.”

If you want to express an interest in availing of the pilot scheme, please request a form by emailing pcsp@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk or by calling 028 2076 2225.

Please note, availability of tracker devices is limited, and applications will be marked against a set criteria including crime pattern analysis via the PSNI.